Sam Harris was once asked, "Is there a possibility of a Creator?" Instead of answering directly he meandered through a confused monologue about Islam and Christianity before spilling over into a confused musing about those who never hear the message of a particular religion. He managed to mix in a comment or two about the matrix, and the possibility that we're all in a virtual simulation.
Read MoreGenetically Modified Skeptic: Is Atheism Worth It?
In a twist on Pascal's Wager, Genetically Modified Skeptic lists what he thinks one stands to lose if they become religious. Johnathan Pritchett and I stroll through that list to find out whether we've wagered poorly!
Read MoreGenetically Modified Skeptic: A Christian Response to Everything
Responding to an entire channel in one podcast is a new one for me! I've been told by multiple people that this atheist youtuber is the guy to dissect. In this episode I consider everything Genetically Modified Skeptic says in his "Atheism" playlist!
Read MoreAtheist Response Videos & Presup
What have we learned while doing atheist response videos? What's the best format for it, and what should your expectations be if you make a response video online. We cover that, and briefly explain our views on the presuppositionalist method of apologetics.
Read MoreS10E14: Is Religion Dying?
William Lane Craig, Ben Shapiro, fertility, and religion! We constantly hear that religion is on the decline in the western world. But studies in recent years seem to paint a different picture. How do genetics, and fertility play into this hot discussion?
Read MoreS10E13: Do People Really Become Christians Because of the Evidence?
Recent interactions with atheists have revealed that there is a common charge that “No one,” or “Very few,” people ever become Christians because of the evidence for Christianity that Christian apologists might bring. Is this true, or is it just chest-thumping? We tackle the issue in this week’s episode!
Read MoreS10E11: Audience Q&A
In a live stream, we answer questions relating to Star Trek, the nature of the soul, The Book of Daniel, our most valued books, the nature of truth, and more!
Read MoreS10E10: Evangelicals Becominig Catholic
Why are so many evangelical thinkers making the move to Rome? What do thrift stores have to do with this? Find these answers and more in this week's episode.
Read MoreS10E9: The Flowers vs Date Debate Review
In this episode we talk with Leighton Flowers about his recent debate with Chris Date on the Unbelievable Christian Radio Program. Is the soterioban dead? Find out here!
Read MoreS10E8: The Bible On Slavery (Part Two)
We continue our discussion of the topic, and address allegations that the Bible advocates for sexual offenses.
Read MoreS10E7: The Bible On Slavery (Part One)
Skeptics and Christians alike, understandably, have difficulty seeing how a God of love could advocate for slavery. Yet, the law of Moses, as translated in most english Bibles, does explain how Israelites were to buy, sell, and treat their . . . slaves. Is this proof that the God of the Bible is a moral monster? In this episode, we’ll cover the most objectionable statements in scripture, as they relate to slavery, and discuss the terminology, culture, and intentions of the biblical writers. In the first and last word segments, we’ll cover death-bed conversions, and intuition!
Read MoreS10E6: How Does NASA Help Explain the Resurrection?
Who did Jesus think he was? It makes a difference when it comes to the discussion of the resurrection. We discuss what Braxton calls "recalibrated plausibility," and answer the question of whether there is good reason to believe that Jesus thought of himself as God's special agent to bring about the kingdom. How does this relate to NASA and the moon landing? Find out on this episode of Trinity Radio!
Read MoreS10E5: Youtube Comments from the Matt Dillahunty Debate
In this episode we discuss some of the harsh responses we've received from atheists in the comment stream of the Matt Dillahunty vs. Braxton Hunter debate. We also try to answer some of the more kind-hearted and thoughtful questions from reasonable atheist commenters.
S10E4: Braxton Hunter vs Matt Dillahunty Debate Review
Braxton recently debated famous atheist, Matt Dillahunty. Here, we discuss that debate and cover topics like the nature of human freedom, the beginning of the universe, the resurrection, divine hiddenness, the nature of faith and more.
Read MoreS10E3: Truthbombs: Brief Thoughts on Current Issues
We discuss the recent Houston Chronicle article which covers sexual offenses in the Southern Baptist Convention. We also cover a recent story in which a pastor is considered to have acted in an uncouth manner. How goofy is a pastor allowed to act, and how often? Finally we discuss the claim that Christian speakers should not share a platform with Catholics, Prosperity Gospel speakers, and those of other religions.
Read MoreS10E2: Can We Investigate Miracle Claims?
Is there some secret rule that precludes historians and/or everyone else from concluding that a miracle is the best explanation for an event in the past? Find out on this episode of Trinity Radio where we also discuss why the term atheist has morphed from “one who maintains that there is no God,” to “one who simply lacks a belief in a god/gods.” And stick around for the last word which is a brief discussion of whether the unborn represent new human life.
Read MoreS10E1: The Gospels and Eyewitnesses
In this episode we discuss whether we know who wrote the gospels and whether we know who the eyewitnesses were. In addition to these questions, how do you raise girls in a culture of gender sensitivity, and should we have man-caves, or gentleman's studys.
Read MoreS9E22: NonConformist or NonChristian?
One or more of your theological beliefs are . . . odd . . . to everyone else. After all, you're an individual - a free thinker. You're different from most. Is that okay? When is it dangerous? When does it mean you're not a Christian? Join us as we discuss all this and more in the Season Nine Finale of Trinity Radio!
Read MoreS9E21: The Pros & Cons of Learning On Your Own
Trinity Radio has a NEW FORMAT!!! Open Theism, Pelagianism, Hyper-Calvinism . . . when have you gone too far, and how do you safeguard against HERESY?
Read MoreS9E20: Atheism & Generation Z (The YI'MA Series)
Within Generation Z there is an increase in atheism, according to a Barna study. The research presents the data on why teens say that is the case. In this episode we'll evaluate those reasons. The barna study is linked below.
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