Things are heating up in the outback, where Braxton is doing evangelistic apologetics Aussie style! Join us Down Under with special guest, Jeremy Lee, as we discuss the state of evangelism and soteriology in Australia, and discover an incredible campus ministry that's making a difference!
Read MoreS9E18: What is Deep Preaching?
It is often said that America's pulpits are filled with shallow preaching. But of what does deep preaching consist? In this episode, we'll layout a possible definition, and look at its implications.
Read MoreS9E17: Evangelism & Cumulative Case Apologetics (The Finders)
Sometimes apologetics seems like just a bunch of big complicated arguments. Is there a simpler strategy for having meaningful conversations with people from other worldviews? This week we discuss a method for having casual conversations with the hopes of reaching others for Christ.
Read MoreS9E16: Jesus Outside The Bible
Did you know that there are non-Christian references to Jesus from sources outside the Bible as early as 55 AD? In this episode we take a look at that material, and discuss what value it has for making a case that Jesus existed, and that the Christian message is true.
Read MoreS9E15: Near Death Experiences
What's up with near-death experiences? It is estimated that fifteen million Americans have had such experiences. Is the view consistent with Scripture? Is it something Christians should be excited about or uncomfortable with?
Read MoreS9E14: Doubt & Other Things That Make Christians Uncomfortable
Theology and Apologetics can get uncomfortable. Sometimes, Christians who are unfamiliar with the field, find themselves offended by what their own Christian defenders say. The subject of doubt, the role of the Bible in apologetics, and other issues are covered in this episode! Are you uncomfortable?
Read MoreS9E13: Biblical Counseling vs Christian Counseling, and Apologetics!
What is the nature of the ongoing debate between "Biblical Counseling," and "Christian Counseling?" How do doctrinal positions impact one's views in the debate? What Christian Apologetics have to do with all of this? We'll discuss some interesting connections, and similarities between the debate over apologetic methodologies, and approaches to counseling among believers. We'll also discuss how soteriological views direct the discussions.
Read MoreS9E12: The Seven Churches of Revelation
This one would be great for anyone teaching through Revelation! With Braxton just back from Turkey, he and JP discuss the historical backgrounds of each church mentioned in the book of Revelation. This is a good one to check out as a YouTube video since there are quite a few images and videos that may be helpful.
Read MoreS9E11: Simple Explanations, and Soteriology (The Finders)
In this third ever episode in "The Finders" series, we answer questions regarding practical ways to explain tough theological and philosophical concepts, and tackle a couple of questions regarding soteriology.
Read MoreS9E10: Why Are Apologists Geeks?
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, and a mountain of other franchises are on the lips of Christian apologists even during their defense of the faith. Why? In this episode, we discuss how myth impacts society, and the pros and cons of modern western storytelling.
S9E9: God and Time (The YI'MA Series)
In this episode we discuss the nature of time, and what is means to speak of God as "timeless." We also cover "A" versus "B" theories of time, and respond to Chris Fischer over at God is Open (link below), who critiques a recent discussion I (Braxton) had with Matt Chisholm of the spectacular podcast, Bible Brodown!
Read MoreS9E8: Christian Zeal! (TR Student Edition)
Trinity Students, Brandon Morris and Nick Ham have taken over Trinity Radio!!! They share their testimonies, and discuss the subject of Christian zeal! How radical should your faith be? In the midst of the discussion they tackle subjects like Mormonism, Evangelism, Apologetics, personal devotional efforts, and . . . veggie tales!
Read MoreS9E7: The Emotional Problem of Evil
Christian apologists often say that while they can respond to the intellectual problem of evil, the emotional problem of evil is a separate question. Are we left with no response to the parent who has just lost a child? What about those who are dealing with depression? Is depression a real thing? Unfortunately, apologists have often begged off answering these tough questions, but we won't! This week we're joined by Dr. Jim Chatham, chairman of the Christ Centered Counseling Department at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.
Read MoreS9E6: Apologetics & Small Groups
How can small groups in the local church aid in evangelism and apologetics? Small groups are commonplace in churches of various denominations today, but intentionally developing a small group around apologetics and evangelism comes with its own challenges. When considering that many Christian apologists in the local church feel that their discipline is largely ignored or unappreciated, this sort of apologetic work can allow such a ministry to flourish. Also, we discuss a new book for which we both contributed chapters - "Small Churches, Big Stories," edited by Samuel Schmidt
Read MoreS9E5: Revivals, Crusades, Conferences, & Apologetics
Do evangelistic events in the local church work? We discuss the terminology, methodology, and relevance of evangelistic events, and respond to typical criticisms. All this leads toward the final question, "How can apologetics be included?"
Read MoreS9E4: Inerrancy & Apologetics
Is inerrancy the central mark of evangelicalism? What is a workable definition of inerrancy? Why has this issue become so controversial in the theological world over the past several years? These and other questions arise as we strive toward the topic: how does inerrancy impact Christian apologetics?
Read MoreS9E3: Are Apologists Missing the Point?
It starts off boring, but there's a shootout toward the end. Dr. Pritchett presents a case that Christian apologists are focusing on the wrong things, with the wrong people.
Read MoreS9E2: YI'MA Christian
After an entire season of responding to people of other worldviews who explain, "Why I'm a," we finally explain to the world why we affirm Christianity.
Read MoreS9E1: Divorce: Can it Always be Forgiven?(Featuring Dr. Harold Hunter)
Dr. Harold F. Hunter, joins Johnathan Pritchett to discuss the biblical data, and practical experience as it relates to marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
Read MoreS8E22: The Season Eight Finale
American flags in church? In the season eight finale we begin the new occasional series, "The Finders!" In it, we answer questions from listeners about patriotic services, angels, Paul's use of Old Testament passages, free will, Calvinism, prophecy, and hell. AND, we consider what the YI'MA series of season eight has taught us about apologetics, evangelism, and opposing worldviews.
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