Alex O'Connor & Bart Ehrman talk about Jesus. Christian apologists @RedPenLogic and @qcsocials join me to react.
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NOTES on Son of Man: "When we encounter a thoroughly consistent and distinctive feature - a tradition which depicts Jesus regularly using the phrase 'son of man' and virtually no other use of the phrase - it simply beggars scholarship to deny that this feature stemmed from a remembered speech usage of Jesus himself." James D.G. Dunn, taken from: Craig, William Lane. "Reasonable Faith" 3rd ed. (Wheaton, IL; Crossway Press), 315. "Son of Man" was Jesus' favorite honorific title for himself. It is used 80-83 times in the gospels, and only 3 or 4 times outside of the gospels in the New Testament. I (Braxton) said, "... I think, if I'm right, outside of the gospels this is only used one other time about Jesus..." So, modify that to only 3 or 4 and the point is still made to, literally, ALMOST exactly the same degree.