Did C.S. Lewis really say we should all be Christmas pagans in a recently rediscovered article? Did Christianity just borrow from virgin birth stories in other religions? Is there a belated Christopher Hitchens Christmas scandal? Find out in this best ever Christmas special!
Read MoreThe Thanksgiving Special
We discuss what we are thankful for this year. We also can't help but discuss a bit of apologetics, theology, and our future projects. It's a thanksgiving episode . . . Don't expect it to blow your mind . . . it's pretty good for what it is.
Read MoreS7E22: Season Finale
In the season seven finale of Trinity Radio Braxton and Johnathan consider all of the exciting theological discussions that could have been had if young seminarians and theology-geeks would ever stop talking about the Calvinism debate. We have several mini-discussions of open-theism, the eternal subordination of the son, the age of the earth, molinism, and . . . . . eschatology!!!!
Read MoreS7E21: How to Study The Bible
In this episode, we discuss Bible study methods for all "skill" levels. During the show Johnathan reveals himself to be the new face of feminist theology, and Braxton lectures listeners about end-times issues.
Read MoreS7E19: Is Listening to the Pastor Enough? (with Steve Gregg)
We interviewed Steve Gregg at Trinity regarding the question, "Why should believers study the Bible more deeply than just listening to their pastors on Sunday morning?" His answer may surprise, convict, and inspire you.
Read MoreS7E18: Surely You Don't Believe in Demons
In this episode we discuss Spiritual Warfare. Is it real? Is it happening to you? Is it the cause of the common cold? In addition to this discussion hear more about Braxton Hunter's evangelistic apologetics in Northern Ireland.
Read MoreS7E17: Who Knows You're a Christian?
We give our advice on sharing your faith in an age in which it is increasingly awkward, and unappreciated. If you don't listen to this one, you should feel ashamed!
Read MoreS7E16: Peter Versus Paul
Do YOU focus on Paul to the exclusion of Peter? Do you have a favorite between the two? Is that okay? In this episode Johnathan Pritchett talks about what makes him the most excited about First Peter, and why he’s a Peter Guy!
Read MoreS7E15: What's Up With Genesis?
We discuss our individual verse by verse projects and why Braxton chose the book of Genesis. Did Moses write it? What's JEDP all about? Has Johnathan showered recently? All these questions will be answered!
Read MoreS7E14: Atheism, Serial-Killers, & Capt. Picard
In this episode, we deal with - a passionate claim that atheists are not serial killers, Christians are not perfect, and religious people who get funny looks aren't being persecuted.
Read MoreS7E13: Is Christianity Boring?
In this episode we discuss a recent experiment that demonstrates most people prefer physical pain to boredom. Is Christianity boring? We think Christians actually have a super power that prevents boredom.
Read MoreS7E11: Atheists, Calvinists, and Open Theists - Oh My!
In this episode we discuss a criticism that is brought against us by many Calvinists, Open Theists and atheists. The topic was prompted by a zealous atheist critic of our channel, and we're happy to respond. What is that one criticism? Find out this week on Trinity Radio!
Read MoreS7E10: Answering Our Critics on Suffering in the Flood
Atheist critics who watch our YouTube channel had plenty to say about suffering as it relates to the flood. Why did God have to let all those animals suffer like that? Couldn't a loving and all powerful God have just let the children and animals die instantly? Braxton and Johnathan tackle this issue. As a bonus, they also tackle criticisms based on the development of religion and evolution.
Read MoreS7E9: Coloring for Jesus?
In this episode we discuss the good, the bad, and the mediocre in Christian merchandising. Watch as Braxton Hunter, Sensei Roth, and yes . . . Johnathan Pritchett employ adult pencils to color Christian adult coloring cards.
Read MoreS7E8: Should You Do Business at Church?
We discuss whether you should do business with church members, what to do about interlopers who are only there to sell you something, and how this all relates to supporting each other in the family of God.
Read MoreS7E7: The Nature of Everything!
Trinity Radio has a special job for YOU! Find out what it is in this special show about EVERYTHING!
Read MoreS7E6: Does the Size of the Church Matter?
There are small churches, but there are no small ministries. What is it like to serve as the pastor of a small church? Are there right and wrong ways to grow? And what do 80s action figures have to do with all this? Find out this week on Trinity Radio!
Read MoreS7E4: Evangelism & Apologetics?
We discuss whether scholars and bloggers are correct when they reason that apologetics has nothing (or little) to do with evangelism.
S7 E3: Does University Destroy or Deepen the Faith of the Young?
Johnathan and Braxton are joined by Adam Roth to discuss an NPR article that says Christians (unlike those of other religions) get confirmed in their Christianity in higher education, and a Huffington Post article that says millennials should "compost Christianity."
Watch the Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvIOQEfEiQ4
Make sure to subscribe on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzBRc0afgrS-PCrm6nka1_A
Read MoreS7 E2: Louis CK, Abortion, and Meaning Without God
Louis C.K. says abortion is killing a baby, but that women should have the right. Atheist columnist says it's possible to have meaning and purpose without God. What do these two things have to do with each other? Find out on this episode of Trinity Radio.
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