Dr. Hunter and Prof. Pritchett discuss a recent article that hypothesizes that evangelical Christianity would not survive as a religion if alien life were discovered.
Read MoreHow Does God Love Those Who Never Hear the Gospel
If some people never hear the gospel, then do all those people go to hell? If so, how can we say God loves those people? In this episode, Dr. Hunter and Prof. Pritchett discuss this interesting topic.
Read MoreFairytales: Christianity Vs. Other Worldviews
Dr. Hunter and Prof. Pritchett respond to soundbites from atheist comedian Bill Burr who compares Christianity to Scientology and says Jesus isn't coming back.
Read MoreSchadenfreude, Fallen Ministers, and Sinful Sexuality in Cults
Braxton and Johnathan discuss the blood-lust desire some Christians have to see ministers fall. For most of the show, they talk about whether and how a minister who has had a moral failing can be restored. And finally, what are the OTO and Raelian cults and why do they and other false religions seem so obsessed with sexual excess?
Read MoreBlessing', Adam & Name Checkin'
Braxton and Johnathan discuss a commonly misused biblical term "blessing," the age of the earth, the historical Adam and what's wrong with the way many ministers call out other ministers by name. Help us out by merely commenting on this episode at the Trinity Insight blog at Trinitysem.edu!
Read MoreBomfog, Abortion, and Girls!
Braxton and Johnathan discuss arguments for and against abortion. Also, theological bomfogery? What is it and why is it happening? Lastly, what's so great about girls?
Read MoreIntroducing Core Facts
Can you defend your faith? Are the arguments and evidences that Christian thinkers use for the truth of Christianity understandable enough for lay church members to use? Yes! Johnathan interviews Braxton on his new book, "CORE FACTS: The Understandable and Teachable Method of Christian Defense."
Read MoreModern Miracles
Braxton discusses modern miracles specifically those related to tornadoes like the one recently experienced in Oklahoma. Babies found in fields hundreds of feet from their obliterated homes alive and well, mothers giving birth in the midst of tornadoes and a church group that only survived an explosion because all 15 of them happened to be late.
Read MoreThe Theology of "The Life of Pi"
Braxton discusses a recent article from RELEVANT magazine which argues that Christians should stop trying to defend the gospel in American culture. He then defends the gospel in culture by examining the beautiful film "The Life of Pi," and examining whether the theological statements it makes are valid.
Read MoreThe 21st Century Evangelist
In this episode Nathan and Braxton discuss the SBC Worship service that Braxton organized at the Southern Baptist Convention in Phoenix and they discuss the evangelist in the 21st century.
Read MoreWhat's up with Matthew27?
Braxton and Nathan discuss an often unnoticed passage of scripture in which lots of people get up out of the grave and walk around. This was not meant to coincide with Halloween but it did. Also, they discuss an article about atheists who pastor Southern Baptist Churches.
Read MoreKilling as a Christian
Nathan draws Braxton into a discussion of whether or not Christians should ever kill anyone. Osama is discussed as well as God's view of killing.
Read MoreDebate With Will the Atheist
In this first episode from the "Debate Hour" collection, Braxton has a debate with Will who is an administrator of happyatheistforum.com. They discuss God as the cause and designer of the universe and whether atheism or theism is the more reasonable position. DON'T FORGET TO "LIKE" US ON THE FACEBOOK PAGE AT "facebook.com/trinitycrusadesradioprogram"
Read MoreFollow-up Discussion with Will the Atheist
Will is back to answer questions about atheism and why he left the faith. Braxton and Nathan try unsuccessfully to let him express himself without being challenged. Hell, certainty, Adam and Eve and everything else is discussed.
Read MoreDid that kid go to heaven?
Remember hearing about that kid who has been claiming he went to heaven all over the news lately? Andy (employee at Trinity College and Seminary & Christian apologetics junkee) joins Braxton and Nathan to discuss the book "Is Heaven For Real" by Todd Burpo about his son Colton who claims to have visited Heaven during a near death experience.
Read MoreWhy Listen to Trinity Radio
In this episode, Braxton and Nathan discuss why they started Trinity Crusades Radio Program. They provide a purpose statement and talk about what has happened behind the scenes since they started last summer.
Read MoreHow to Witness to Atheists
In this episode Braxton and Nathan explain and give some practical help in defending your faith against Atheism.
Read MoreMolinism for Beginners
Don't know how to feel about the predestination debate? You may have heard of calvinism and arminianism, but have you heard of molinism. If you have an open mind this broken down, simple discussion of what it basically is may help.
Read MoreLiberal Theology
Nathan and Braxton talk about false teachers today who pick and choose which parts of the Bible are true (The Jesus Seminar).
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