Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXjWhEHpxP0 Learn Casually: TrinityRadio.org Learn Formally: TrinitySem.edu Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TrinityRadio Music by Joakim Karud
Revealing Thoughts from Non-Theist Philosophers
Trinity Radio Extra (Our 2nd Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoKB... Learn Casually: TrinityRadio.org Learn Formally: TrinitySem.edu Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TrinityRadio William Rowe's article: https://www.kul.pl/files/57/nauka/Row... Joe Schmid Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkAWM... Michael Ruse Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhzgg... David Bentley Hart comments: Hart, David Bentley. The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss. Yale University Press, 2014. (NOTE: Hart is not a non-theist, but his quote was included because it speaks to the thinking of non-theist philosophers).
TRX: Are You Allowed to Give Up on an Unbeliever?
Shaking the dust off of your feet, casting pearls before swine, and learning to give up. Is this something the biblical data allows for. If not, what's up with those biblical passages.
Read MoreUnitarians Using Minecraft to Teach Culture & World Religions
Original Article: https://www.penbaypilot.com/article/c... Trinity Radio Extra (Our 2nd Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoKB... Learn Casually: TrinityRadio.org Learn Formally: TrinitySem.edu Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TrinityRadio Music by Joakim Karud youtube.com/joakimkarud
Dan Barker vs Braxton Hunter (Is Free Will an Illusion?)
This debate was first released by Unbelievable Christian Radio in the fall of 2020. Dan Barker is the Co-President of the "Freedom From Religion Foundation." He has debated the best and the brightest among Christian thinkers in the 21st century. The debate centered on whether libertarian free will exists, and how it affects the question of God's existence. Dan released a book on the subject in 2018.
Read MoreJon Steingard & Sean McDowell: A Response
Recently, Jon Steingard, lead singer of the popular Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, confessed his unbelief. Sean McDowell had a friendly discussion with him, and the conversation revealed several important issues related to Christian belief.
Read MoreGain an Advantage in Christian Learning With These Resources
This is not your typical top channel list. Sure, there are Christian youtubers, but there are also other online resources that will give you an edge in understanding and defending the Christian faith.
Read MoreA Christian Response to Mr. Atheist's 7 Bad Bible Verses
Mr. Atheist thinks these are verses Christians would rather skip. Some probably would, but in this episode, we walk through them and explain why context is key. Mr. Atheist seems unfamiliar with the ancient near-eastern contexts and languages that inform the proper translations and understandings of several passages on his list.
Read MoreThe Kalam Doesn't Mention God: A Response to Rationality Rules
The Kalam Cosmological Argument is consider by many to be one of the best arguments for God's existence. However, it's common for skeptics to point out that it doesn't mention God, and so it can't be an argument for God. Stephen Woodford's (Rationality Rules) video which claims to debunk the Kalam cosmological argument has been passed around in the atheist community quite a bit. Capturing Christianity's Cameron Bertuzzi responded, and Woodford wasted little time in firing back. In this video we'll take a look at Rationality Rules' dominant defense of his video, and answer the question: should apologists ditch the Kalam since it doesn't mention God?
Read MoreS10E5: Youtube Comments from the Matt Dillahunty Debate
In this episode we discuss some of the harsh responses we've received from atheists in the comment stream of the Matt Dillahunty vs. Braxton Hunter debate. We also try to answer some of the more kind-hearted and thoughtful questions from reasonable atheist commenters.
S9E7: The Emotional Problem of Evil
Christian apologists often say that while they can respond to the intellectual problem of evil, the emotional problem of evil is a separate question. Are we left with no response to the parent who has just lost a child? What about those who are dealing with depression? Is depression a real thing? Unfortunately, apologists have often begged off answering these tough questions, but we won't! This week we're joined by Dr. Jim Chatham, chairman of the Christ Centered Counseling Department at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.
Read MoreS9E4: Inerrancy & Apologetics
Is inerrancy the central mark of evangelicalism? What is a workable definition of inerrancy? Why has this issue become so controversial in the theological world over the past several years? These and other questions arise as we strive toward the topic: how does inerrancy impact Christian apologetics?
Read MoreS9E1: Divorce: Can it Always be Forgiven?(Featuring Dr. Harold Hunter)
Dr. Harold F. Hunter, joins Johnathan Pritchett to discuss the biblical data, and practical experience as it relates to marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
Read MoreS8E22: The Season Eight Finale
American flags in church? In the season eight finale we begin the new occasional series, "The Finders!" In it, we answer questions from listeners about patriotic services, angels, Paul's use of Old Testament passages, free will, Calvinism, prophecy, and hell. AND, we consider what the YI'MA series of season eight has taught us about apologetics, evangelism, and opposing worldviews.
Read MoreS8E18: Response to "Why I'm an Anti-Calvinist" (YI'MA)
Leighton Flowers, the evangelist, apologist, discipler, Christian leader, and sometimes soteriology commenter, joins us to discuss the common claims that he is a divisive, angry, one-string-banjo with a chip on his shoulder about Calvinism.
Read MoreS8E16: Response to "Why I'm Catholic" (YI'MA)
In this episode we respond to Brian Holdsworth's video, "Why I'm Catholic." In it we discuss whether the bodies of saints are impervious to decay, and whether Mary is really appearing to people to testify to the truth of Roman Catholicism.
S8E10: Weird Cults
Worshipping aliens, goddess worship, sexual cults, and satanism are all covered in this episode of Trinity Radio, as we discover some shocking similarities among false religions, and scripture-twisters.
Read MoreS8E6: What's Up With Hell? Part One
Mark Twain said, "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company." But for those of us who take the concept of Hell seriously, there are a number of questions for which we want answers. Is Hell eternal conscious torment? If so, are the flames of Hell to be taken literally? And what is the relevant biblica data on the subject? We'll discuss all of this in the first of two episodes on the nature of Hell!
Read MoreS8E5: Response to "Is God Actually the Devil?"
We respond to a very gothic looking fellow who claims that God is more like the Devil than the Sunday School image of Gentle Jesus meek and mild. We discuss the atrocities of the Old Testament, and provide two simple principles for responding to these kinds of criticisms.
Read MoreS8E4: Response to "Why I Became Hindu"
In this video we respond to two Hindu converts who explain why they adopted the faith and what it has done for them. We affirm the positive things they are seeking, and explain why the PERSONAL Christian God makes better sense of these longings.
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