In this video, Kevin Lewis and Johnathan Pritchett discuss angelology, demonology, the occult, evangelism, and apologetics.
Read MoreS10E7: The Bible On Slavery (Part One)
Skeptics and Christians alike, understandably, have difficulty seeing how a God of love could advocate for slavery. Yet, the law of Moses, as translated in most english Bibles, does explain how Israelites were to buy, sell, and treat their . . . slaves. Is this proof that the God of the Bible is a moral monster? In this episode, we’ll cover the most objectionable statements in scripture, as they relate to slavery, and discuss the terminology, culture, and intentions of the biblical writers. In the first and last word segments, we’ll cover death-bed conversions, and intuition!
Read MoreS10E6: How Does NASA Help Explain the Resurrection?
Who did Jesus think he was? It makes a difference when it comes to the discussion of the resurrection. We discuss what Braxton calls "recalibrated plausibility," and answer the question of whether there is good reason to believe that Jesus thought of himself as God's special agent to bring about the kingdom. How does this relate to NASA and the moon landing? Find out on this episode of Trinity Radio!
Read MoreS10E5: Youtube Comments from the Matt Dillahunty Debate
In this episode we discuss some of the harsh responses we've received from atheists in the comment stream of the Matt Dillahunty vs. Braxton Hunter debate. We also try to answer some of the more kind-hearted and thoughtful questions from reasonable atheist commenters.
S10E1: The Gospels and Eyewitnesses
In this episode we discuss whether we know who wrote the gospels and whether we know who the eyewitnesses were. In addition to these questions, how do you raise girls in a culture of gender sensitivity, and should we have man-caves, or gentleman's studys.
Read MoreS9E7: The Emotional Problem of Evil
Christian apologists often say that while they can respond to the intellectual problem of evil, the emotional problem of evil is a separate question. Are we left with no response to the parent who has just lost a child? What about those who are dealing with depression? Is depression a real thing? Unfortunately, apologists have often begged off answering these tough questions, but we won't! This week we're joined by Dr. Jim Chatham, chairman of the Christ Centered Counseling Department at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.
Read MoreS9E1: Divorce: Can it Always be Forgiven?(Featuring Dr. Harold Hunter)
Dr. Harold F. Hunter, joins Johnathan Pritchett to discuss the biblical data, and practical experience as it relates to marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
Read MoreS8E22: The Season Eight Finale
American flags in church? In the season eight finale we begin the new occasional series, "The Finders!" In it, we answer questions from listeners about patriotic services, angels, Paul's use of Old Testament passages, free will, Calvinism, prophecy, and hell. AND, we consider what the YI'MA series of season eight has taught us about apologetics, evangelism, and opposing worldviews.
Read MoreS8E21: Response to "Why I'm a Jehovah's Witness" (YI'MA)
We respond to an individual who explains why he/she is a Jehovah's Witness, and give a bit of history as well as doctrinal perspective. In addition to this, we discuss physicalism, armageddon, annihilationism, date-setters, and whether or not Pascal's Wager is worth anything.
Video to which we're responding:
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Read MoreS8E16: Response to "Why I'm Catholic" (YI'MA)
In this episode we respond to Brian Holdsworth's video, "Why I'm Catholic." In it we discuss whether the bodies of saints are impervious to decay, and whether Mary is really appearing to people to testify to the truth of Roman Catholicism.
S8E14: Response to Why I'm a Pro-Choice Christian (YI'MA)
Actually, the person to which we are responding claims to be pro-life, but thinks abortion should be legal. We think this actually makes her pro-choice, but anyway . . . this is not the same episode on abortion we've done so many times before.
Read MoreS8E13: Response to Why I'm a Scientologist (YI'MA)
You already know that Scientology is super weird, but do you understand the underlying philosophical principles? Do you know what scientologists say about Jesus? Check out this week's episode and hear what you haven't heard before about this strange group.
S8E12: Calvinism: Why Won't the Debate End?
Dr. Pritchett stands in the corner, and . . . A frustrating pattern has emerged. Every time we do an episode related to Calvinism, it instantly becomes one of our most listened to. We find this annoying. In this episode we discuss why the debate is so intriguing.
S8E4: Response to "Why I Became Hindu"
In this video we respond to two Hindu converts who explain why they adopted the faith and what it has done for them. We affirm the positive things they are seeking, and explain why the PERSONAL Christian God makes better sense of these longings.
Read MoreS8E2: Responding to an Atheist Lawyer
We respond to atheist lawyer, Andrew Seidel of the Freedom from Religion foundation regarding his explanation of why he's an atheist.
Read MoreS7E19: Is Listening to the Pastor Enough? (with Steve Gregg)
We interviewed Steve Gregg at Trinity regarding the question, "Why should believers study the Bible more deeply than just listening to their pastors on Sunday morning?" His answer may surprise, convict, and inspire you.
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