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Pastor & Apologist Respond to Atheist Reaction to What We Did
Why Atheists Talk Like This
Self - Rocks are atheists - Barker - Carroll - Dillahunty (1) - Dillahunty (2) - Learn Casually: Learn Formally: Patreon: Music by Joakim Karud
Atheists are Forbidden to Watch this Video
SUGGESTED PRAYER FOR THE NON-CHRISTIAN IN THIS VIDEO: "Lord, thank you that I can know that you do love ___(name of the non-Christian in the video)___. I pray that you would make the proper articulation of the Gospel message clear to them. Please bring influences into this person’s life that they would not only understand the information, but see powerful examples of these truths lived out. I pray that you would bring strong internal conviction to ___(name of the non-Christian in the video)___ about the truth of the Christian message. If necessary, may you use Christian apologetics to collapse the roadblocks and intellectual objections they may have. I pray that you would bring believers into their life to whom they would be most responsive. Please honor the prayers of my other brothers and sisters who have watched this video, and prayed a prayer like this one. Thank you for the work you are doing in ___(name of the non-Christian in the video)___’s life. In Jesus’ name Amen."
Read MoreGodless Engineer Destroys Hunter's Dilemma
Hunter Dilemma Video: Godless Engineer's Video: Gervais Video: ReligiousFiction Video: Trinity Radio Extra (Our 2nd Channel): Learn Casually: Learn Formally: Patreon:
Counter Apologist: A Response to His "Friendly Atheist" video (Plus Q&A)
Original Video: Trinity Radio Extra (Our 2nd Channel): Learn Casually: Learn Formally: Patreon: Music by Joakim Karud
What Jordan Peterson Gets Right & Wrong About Belief in God
Jordan Peterson is just beginning to make his way back into the public eye after a long period of severe health problems, and I recently read his book "12 Rules for Life." I’ve watched much of his series on the psychological value of the Bible, and have ingested most of his debates. Many Christians don’t quite know how to feel about Peterson. He’s clearly friendly to the faith, much like Benjamin Franklin was, but hesitates at important moments. Principally he has often said he doesn’t like the question of whether he believes in God. This has frustrated many listeners. In this video, we’re going to take a look at some of his comments about belief in God, and analyze some problematic perspectives he holds that get echoed in the church. We’ll also see one valuable benefit Peterson has to offer.
Read MoreThe Right Time to Give Up (Genesis Series Ch 32 & 33)
Learn the book of Genesis with apologetic concepts in mind. From the speaker: I AM THE SUM OF MY PARTS . . . God has moved in my life through a number of powerful men of God from whom I have benefited greatly. There is nothing new under the sun, as it is said. For that reason, much of what you hear in these lectures is not unique to me. Most of it was likely gleaned from other sources. I want to be transparent about that and share my sources. In terms of biblical scholarship, I have been blessed by the work of Harold Hunter (my father), Craig Keener, David Allen, Malcom Yarnell, Tom Schriner, Johnathan Pritchett (with whom I co-host Trinity Radio), F.F. Bruce, Adam Harwood (with whom I have co-authored), Steve Gregg (with whom I have worked), and Bruce Ware. As for Christian apologetics, William Lane Craig (with whom I have lectured), Michael Licona (a personal friend), Gary Habermas, Norman Geisler, J.P. Moreland, William Dembski, Michael J. Murray, James White, Matt Slick, Alvin Plantinga, and a host of others have impacted my thinking. Because I have been so impressed with the structure, organization, and delivery of his own audio commentary, I personally made request to Steve Gregg (who has served as a visiting professor for Trinity) that I might follow his model. In fact, he was delighted with the idea that I might largely follow his teaching outline. Why then, with so much great scholarship already available, would I want to add my voice? There are three reasons. First, I can imagine no more worthy endeavor than to study and proclaim the truths of scripture. Second, though I admire greatly the men listed above, I do not agree with any of them on all things. Third, God has blessed me with a humble audience that does not listen to these other voices. I hope that you will benefit from this passing on of knowledge.
TRX: Discussing Demons and the Occult with Dr. Kevin Lewis
In this video, Kevin Lewis and Johnathan Pritchett discuss angelology, demonology, the occult, evangelism, and apologetics.
Read MoreTRX: Are You Allowed to Give Up on an Unbeliever?
Shaking the dust off of your feet, casting pearls before swine, and learning to give up. Is this something the biblical data allows for. If not, what's up with those biblical passages.
Read MoreTRX: What's Up with Molinism?
In this interview, originally from The Church Split, Braxton discusses Molinism, apologetic methodology and other issues related to theology and apologetics.
Read MoreMoral Failures & Your Reputation (Genesis Series Ch 31)
Learn the book of Genesis with apologetic concepts in mind. From the speaker: I AM THE SUM OF MY PARTS . . . God has moved in my life through a number of powerful men of God from whom I have benefited greatly. There is nothing new under the sun, as it is said. For that reason, much of what you hear in these lectures is not unique to me. Most of it was likely gleaned from other sources. I want to be transparent about that and share my sources. In terms of biblical scholarship, I have been blessed by the work of Harold Hunter (my father), Craig Keener, David Allen, Malcom Yarnell, Tom Schriner, Johnathan Pritchett (with whom I co-host Trinity Radio), F.F. Bruce, Adam Harwood (with whom I have co-authored), Steve Gregg (with whom I have worked), and Bruce Ware. As for Christian apologetics, William Lane Craig (with whom I have lectured), Michael Licona (a personal friend), Gary Habermas, Norman Geisler, J.P. Moreland, William Dembski, Michael J. Murray, James White, Matt Slick, Alvin Plantinga, and a host of others have impacted my thinking. Because I have been so impressed with the structure, organization, and delivery of his own audio commentary, I personally made request to Steve Gregg (who has served as a visiting professor for Trinity) that I might follow his model. In fact, he was delighted with the idea that I might largely follow his teaching outline. Why then, with so much great scholarship already available, would I want to add my voice? There are three reasons. First, I can imagine no more worthy endeavor than to study and proclaim the truths of scripture. Second, though I admire greatly the men listed above, I do not agree with any of them on all things. Third, God has blessed me with a humble audience that does not listen to these other voices. I hope that you will benefit from this passing on of knowledge.
Critics Say The Bible Endorses This Superstitious Farming Practice (Genesis Series Ch 30)
Learn the book of Genesis with apologetic concepts in mind. From the speaker: I AM THE SUM OF MY PARTS . . . God has moved in my life through a number of powerful men of God from whom I have benefited greatly. There is nothing new under the sun, as it is said. For that reason, much of what you hear in these lectures is not unique to me. Most of it was likely gleaned from other sources. I want to be transparent about that and share my sources. In terms of biblical scholarship, I have been blessed by the work of Harold Hunter (my father), Craig Keener, David Allen, Malcom Yarnell, Tom Schriner, Johnathan Pritchett (with whom I co-host Trinity Radio), F.F. Bruce, Adam Harwood (with whom I have co-authored), Steve Gregg (with whom I have worked), and Bruce Ware. As for Christian apologetics, William Lane Craig (with whom I have lectured), Michael Licona (a personal friend), Gary Habermas, Norman Geisler, J.P. Moreland, William Dembski, Michael J. Murray, James White, Matt Slick, Alvin Plantinga, and a host of others have impacted my thinking. Because I have been so impressed with the structure, organization, and delivery of his own audio commentary, I personally made request to Steve Gregg (who has served as a visiting professor for Trinity) that I might follow his model. In fact, he was delighted with the idea that I might largely follow his teaching outline. Why then, with so much great scholarship already available, would I want to add my voice? There are three reasons. First, I can imagine no more worthy endeavor than to study and proclaim the truths of scripture. Second, though I admire greatly the men listed above, I do not agree with any of them on all things. Third, God has blessed me with a humble audience that does not listen to these other voices. I hope that you will benefit from this passing on of knowledge.
Q&A Livestream!!!
Trinity Radio Extra (Our 2nd Channel): Learn Casually: Learn Formally: Patreon: Music by Joakim Karud
Jacob's Children & the Timing of their Births (Genesis Series Ch 29)
Learn the book of Genesis with apologetic concepts in mind. From the speaker: I AM THE SUM OF MY PARTS . . . God has moved in my life through a number of powerful men of God from whom I have benefited greatly. There is nothing new under the sun, as it is said. For that reason, much of what you hear in these lectures is not unique to me. Most of it was likely gleaned from other sources. I want to be transparent about that and share my sources. In terms of biblical scholarship, I have been blessed by the work of Harold Hunter (my father), Craig Keener, David Allen, Malcom Yarnell, Tom Schriner, Johnathan Pritchett (with whom I co-host Trinity Radio), F.F. Bruce, Adam Harwood (with whom I have co-authored), Steve Gregg (with whom I have worked), and Bruce Ware. As for Christian apologetics, William Lane Craig (with whom I have lectured), Michael Licona (a personal friend), Gary Habermas, Norman Geisler, J.P. Moreland, William Dembski, Michael J. Murray, James White, Matt Slick, Alvin Plantinga, and a host of others have impacted my thinking. Because I have been so impressed with the structure, organization, and delivery of his own audio commentary, I personally made request to Steve Gregg (who has served as a visiting professor for Trinity) that I might follow his model. In fact, he was delighted with the idea that I might largely follow his teaching outline. Why then, with so much great scholarship already available, would I want to add my voice? There are three reasons. First, I can imagine no more worthy endeavor than to study and proclaim the truths of scripture. Second, though I admire greatly the men listed above, I do not agree with any of them on all things. Third, God has blessed me with a humble audience that does not listen to these other voices. I hope that you will benefit from this passing on of knowledge.
An Atheist & A Christian Author Discuss The Story of the World: Trinity Radio Responds
His Dark Materials is a huge series, which has now spawned an HBO adaptation. It presents a Narnia-styled fantasy experience with an underlying atheistic narrative. The author of the series discusses the story of Christ, as well as disagreements over the importance of doctrine.
Read MoreGain an Advantage in Christian Learning With These Resources
This is not your typical top channel list. Sure, there are Christian youtubers, but there are also other online resources that will give you an edge in understanding and defending the Christian faith.
Read MoreDan Barker: Is He All Bark & No Bite?
Dan Barker is a mainstay among atheist debaters. He's shared the stage with the greats, and penned some of the most popular atheist cliches. But do his objections to Christian theism hold up, or is Barker all bark and no bite?
Read MorePineCreek: What Apologists Will Admit (A Christian Response)
Atheist YouTuber, PineCreek, recently made a video referencing me (Braxton) entitled, "Top 20 things Christians (especially apologists) have trouble admitting." In this video, Johnathan Pritchett (with occasional comments from me) responds! How much will he admit?
Read MoreAron Ra, Inspiring Philosophy, Trent Dougherty, GMS and PineCreek: Two Christians React
Aron Ra is well known in internet atheist circles. Recently, he debated Michael Jones, and Trent Dougherty in the same week. We thought it was worth discussing, specifically how Ra views the concept of faith. Listen as we ramble and meander through all the related and unrelated issues.
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