Guess what you've always wanted to see, but didn't know it?.... a Bible College professor's reaction to what tiktokers think are great criticisms of Christianity.
Read MoreDeconstructing Without Deconverting
Trinity Radio Extra (Our 2nd Channel): Learn Casually: Learn Formally: Patreon: Music by Joakim Karud
TRX: Evangelism in the Workplace
In this video, some helpful tips and things to think about regarding evangelism in the workplace are discussed.
Read MoreTRX: Are You Allowed to Give Up on an Unbeliever?
Shaking the dust off of your feet, casting pearls before swine, and learning to give up. Is this something the biblical data allows for. If not, what's up with those biblical passages.
Read MoreAtheists Reviewed Our Pastor
We posted a sermon from our pastor on YouTube and invited atheists to tell us what they loved and hated about it. In this episode, we discuss the results!
Read MoreWhere Did It All Come From? This Pastor Doesn't Shy Away from Science and Philosophy!
Can someone please find a pastor who knows how to talk to skeptics? Trinity Radio found one! And we joined that church. If you're an atheist, agnostic, or adherent of some opposing religion, this Christian pastor is the one you need to hear. If you're a pastor wrestling with how to incorporate apologetics into your sermons, you'll find a lot to consider.
Read MoreA Christian Responds to Fifteen Atheist YouTubers
Why is sacrifice necessary? Why can't we choose to believe? Will we have free will in heaven? Braxton Hunter responds to these and a host of other topics as the most successful atheist YouTubers ask the questions they don't think Christians can answer.
Read MoreA Christian Response to Eric Murphy on Whether Christianity is Rational
Free will, original sin, the Trinity, and the nature of the soul are all discussed. Eric Murphy debated Christian apologist David Wood this year. He gives us a great opportunity to discuss some of the standard mistakes that are made in debates between atheists and Christians.
Read MoreS7E8: Should You Do Business at Church?
We discuss whether you should do business with church members, what to do about interlopers who are only there to sell you something, and how this all relates to supporting each other in the family of God.
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